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Community Yard Sale

Since we have many new neighbors, we thought we would answer some common questions regarding this event.

1. Is this event at a specific location?

No. You host your own garage/yard sale at your house.

2. Is it mandatory to participate?

Nope. Totally your choice, but please respect that others look forward to it & there will be extra traffic in the neighborhood.

3. Is this the only time I’m allowed to have a garage/yard sale?

No. You can have one any time.

4. If I’m participating, do I have to start & stop at the times listed?

Not at all. Take some time to enjoy your morning coffee or if you’re an extra early riser enjoy an early start to your day.

5. Can I extend my garage/yard sale to include Sunday too.


6. What does the HOA do to advertise/support this event?

We will post signs at each entrance along with posting on online sites advertising a neighborhood wide garage/yard sale for July 8, 8am – 3pm.

7. Will specific participating addresses be posted, or signs put up leading to each house?

No. We strongly encourage everyone to put up signs and/or arrows within Parkwood East directing traffic to you. (Please remember to remove all signs after your done with your sale)

8. Do we need to register with the HOA that we are having a garage/yard sale.


May 9

Monthly HOA Meeting

July 11

Monthly HOA Meeting (Copy)